About us We are Raven, a unique blend of consulting, creative and technology capabilities united with a single focus: Creating the next wave of growth for our clients based on business disruption and acceleration.
We untap New Horizons. In a world that faces unprecedented challenges both from a business and market dynamics, with the increasing demand of an evolving customer and collaborator, we are the wingman of our clients to cope with their growth challenges.
Just for a Few. We support leaders and market creators to innovate commercial disruptions and accelerate growth, combining strategy, design, innovation, and technology. Many organizations preach the same promise, but only a few deliver on it. We are among those.
Global Reach. Since our inception, we have developed projects with top-tier organizations throughout Latin America and Europe. We are currently expanding beyond.
We are not a consulting Company. We work differently from traditional consultants. We are not another consulting boutique, nor do we want to be. We are fast and agile as a start-up, but precise and narrow focused on delivering value to our clients.
For you. We support your professional and personal development. We provide freedom to develop and a unique work environment that rewards each member of our team professionally and personally.
Our Verticals. We organize across four business lines: Business Design, Product & Design Experience, Growth, and Tech. These business lines create a seamless and yet synergetic value proposition for our clients.
We Design to Build. This is what we do, we conceive unique value propositions that then we take to market!
About you We look for individuals who dare to challenge themselves to achieve the extraordinary. Here come the ones who change things trying to get there faster where no one has gone. Making things happen delivering results without limits. Here come those who transform the present to conquer the businesses of the future, and the ones who release change through design. You must think, act, and behave with an owner's mentality that is permanently reinventing itself.
Here are those of us who want to make the impossible possible.
Our workplace You must be a natural team player and should feel comfortable working with professionals from diverse disciplines, backgrounds, and countries.
We embrace work-life balance: the well-being of our people is a priority for us.
A culture of learning and creating is promoted around the world: diversity will allow us to strengthen our impact.
We encourage innovation and disruption.
We understand that changes will occur, and that adaptability is essential to help when they do happen.
Collaboration is emphasized and rewarded.
Tu Rol Si te apasiona el desarrollo de soluciones digitales centradas en usuarios, entonces nos interesa conocerte. Buscamos un Desarrollador Back End motivado y comprometido, con interés en el aprendizaje constante y el trabajo en equipo en un ambiente ágil.
En esta posición trabajarás junto a profesionales de primer nivel en el desarrollo de proyectos para importantes empresas en la región, los que desafiarán y potenciarán tus habilidades. Llevarás a cabo soluciones para diferentes tipologías de proyectos, dependiendo del requerimiento de nuestros clientes. Serás parte de un equipo que trabaja de manera flexible y con habilidades de primer nivel.
Responsabilidades Trabajar en conjunto con diseñadores y desarrolladores, asegurando la entrega de valor incremental y continua.Proponiendo soluciones nativas/híbridas e innovadoras a lo largo del proceso de diseño.Traduciendo el diseño de interfaz de App o web a código aplicando buenas prácticas.Participando activamente en el desarrollo sistemático de soluciones.Documentando funcionalidades y especificaciones técnicas del software a implementar / implementadas.Habilidades y experiencias deseadas Experiencia en desarrollo en Typescript y NodeJS con Serverless Framework.Nivel de madurez alto en AWS como proveedor de servicios Cloud. Ideal certificación Developer Asociate o Solutions Architect.Conocimiento de Java 8+, Spring Boot/Cloud, Docker, Lombok.Conocimiento de Swagger y OpenAPI.Conocimiento básico en Google Cloud Platform o nubes públicas como AWS o Azure.Conocimiento de PaaS, deseable Kubernetes.Conocimiento y experiencia de herramientas de Infraestructura como Código (IAC), tales como Terraform, Cloudformation, Ansible, etc.Experiencia en desarrollo de arquitecturas orientadas a microservicios, integración y arquitectura, utilizando tecnología Serverless.Conocimiento de DevOps en general (Implementación de CI/CD con Github Actions, Jenkins, CI/CD Pipelines o afines).Manejo básico DevSecOps y herramientas de escaneo de código (SonarQube).Conocimiento básico de Mixpanel, Google Analytics, Appsflyer, Firebase y afines.Deseable conocimiento básico de BPM y motores de reglas (Camunda, drools, etc.).Experiencia en test unitarios, al menos en la capa de dominio con Jest en NodeJS y ReactJS.Experiencia con manejo de repositorios y despliegue de código (GITHUB, Bitbucket, etc.).Manejo básico/intermedio de control de versiones y ramas.Manejo sólido de bases de datos (MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL).Conocimientos de Back end (PHP, Java, .net) deseable.Deseable conocimiento de programas de diseño (Adobe XD, Figma).Manejo sólido de PostMan y JMeter.Our benefits! My Birthday: afternoon off on your birthday.
Moving Day: we support that you can move in calmly and settle into your new home.
Raven Hunters: recommend profiles that you know and that you think can make a perfect match with our organization.